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June 2021

Job’s Daughter’s Queensland welcomed a new member on the 18th of June!! It was lovely to see the girls from Bethel Number 4 Sunnybank for the welcome ceremony, and the wonderful adult members joining in to help. It had been a while since I had done the ceremony in the office of Guide, and joining in tonight was super special and very exciting!

A huge welcome to Athena from all the Job’s Daughter’s in Queensland, we can’t wait to see you at our events and meetings and I’m sure you will have an amazing Jobie career at Bethel Number 4.

After the welcome ceremony the members and friends of Number 4 enjoyed some delicious soups made by the adult volunteers. It was a fun night being a part of the ceremony and catching-up with our friends from Sunnybank.

Submitted by Olivia.

June/July 2021

Our Bethel members had a busy past month or so visiting initiations, jurisdictional visits and installations at other bethels and still found the time to celebrate and have fun together with their Bethel 23 sisters!

Bethel No.23 Northern Brisbane turned 37 years old at the beginning of June. We were treated to a wonderful Librarian’s Report in the meeting presented by Stella as she asked questions to our very own Mrs Harris, an original council member of our Bethel about what Bethel No. 23 was like 37 years ago! After the meeting there was party food, party games and a cake to enjoy for this special celebration.

Following the COVID-19 lockdown, our members got out and about together for fun, friendship and a bit of falling down! The afternoon was spent playing games, chatting and eating at a hangout then we headed to Albany Creek Skateaway. Bethel members, Bees and brothers all had a great time skating together and enjoyed a yummy party dinner. Even the Bethel Guardian had a turn at skating . . . if you could call it that!

We are looking forward to the coming month with an initiation and installation for our Bethel!

May 2021

Prior to the Miss California Celebrations via zoom started, the adults cleaned our shed that we store a lot of our gear in. We did help a little though until we found the footpath chalk!!. We also made our own pizzas for lunch in the pizza oven. Then we watched and celebrated Julianna’s term as Miss California. We all know Julianna from when we went to the United States as a group in 2019 for the annual international convention.

Submitted by Rhiannon

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