Each year, the Honoured Queen (she's like the president of our local group) organises a "mystery" trip for all of our members - everything about this trip is kept secret!
In January, it was Lucy’s mystery trip. We went to House of Happiness in Bribie island for the weekend and had lots of fun relaxing and playing games.
It was such a hot day, we couldn't wait to get in the pool! :)
It was really good that the Rodrigeuz family could make it (they live in Toowoomba) so we got to know them more and got to spend more time together. On the first night, we did karaoke and then watched Princess Diaries. !
The next day, we hung out in the pool again and played a lot of board games. Some of us girls even went to the beach which was a lot of fun.
That night everyone just hung around talking with one another and some of us played even more games.
Overall it was a very fun weekend of fun, food & swimming!! It was a great 3 days where we could just relax and spend a wonderful time together. A great start to the new year!!
Written by Amelia (member of Moreton Bay)