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Number 4 in November

Writer: Job's DaughersJob's Daughers

November 2021

Statewide Netball Competition

On the 13th of November 2021, the Bethel #4 girls participated in the inter-bethel netball competition organised by Kirsten and Natasha. Eden’s friend, Josie, came along as well. The girls all tried their best, showed great team work, and were having fun (despite how hot it was 🥵). We won each game we played and ended up coming third overall! It was a great day with great company!!

Bethel Installation

The day after, on the 14th, Bethel #4 had their installation! The girls were all installed into new positions and Emily was installed as Honoured Queen. The term’s mascot is a turtle and the theme is to “go with the flow” as it’s important to relax and let life take its course! After the meeting, we ate delicious burritos for lunch, with ice cream and cake following. Girls and visitors from other bethels came to support us on this day; it’s always fun seeing and spending time with them! Congratulations girls of Bethel #4 on your new positions - looking forward to a great term!!

Submitted by Emily

(An Installation is a change-over celebration where each girl get to try a new position. The girl who gets to be the "Honoured Queen" becomes the leader of the local group "Bethel" for the next 6-month term - she is like the President of the group for that term.)


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