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September with Moreton Bay

Writer: Job's DaughersJob's Daughers

September 2021

On Saturday the 18th of September, we attended the Carnival of Flowers to participate in the Grand Parade. Our day started with us meeting at Anaconda in Everton Park around 6 o’clock in the morning. Once we all arrived, we piled back into our cars (many members car swapping) and then convoyed to pick up another member on the south side before continuing onto Maccas at Plainland for breakfast. It was absolutely packed. Took about half an hour to get our food. After that we continued to Toowoomba for the Carnival of Flowers. We couldn’t find a park near, so we had to park about half an hour walk away up a large hill, making some of us late to the parade. We then had to walk the length of the parade path in reverse trying to find the rest of our group. When we eventually found our group, one of the SES volunteers thankfully let us through to join them. We then walked the rest of the parade (again). Our group was led by a convertible decorated in flowers and scarfs. Our Miss Queensland Job’s Daughter and Jurisdictional Queen sat at the back of the car waving to everyone. It was a very hot day. At the end of the parade, the group in front of us were giving everyone soft drinks, so we all got free soft drink which we were very thankful for. After the parade, we caught up with one of our group members that we hadn’t seen for quite a while. It was great to see her again. After a long day, we all travelled home and slept very well that night.

Submitted by Grace

On September the 25th, the annual Job's Daughters Spring Charity & Debutante Ball was held at Brisbane City Hall. 9 lovely debutantes made their debut with their charming partners. It was a lovely night and everyone danced beautifully. After weeks of preparation, everything fell into place on the night and it turned out great. All the money from the night went to the Jurisdictional Guardians charity, Dementia Australia. After all the formal business happened, the lights went out and the party continued with everyone dancing and jumping around to some great party music from the DJ. Overall, the night was really good and all of the girls looked beautiful and their partners looked handsome. It was definitely worth all the practices and hard work because the night turned out beautifully.

Submitted by Damia

The bowling competition was very fun. It was white lie themed & my Bethel girls surprised me by doing my shirt. They had chosen the perfect one for me 'I hate selfies'. I couldn't help but laugh at that.

On the bowling side, even though we weren't that good, we all had such a great time together with all the Qld girls.

After the bowling had finished & we ate dinner, we congratulated Taryn for her term as a Supreme Officer and we gifted her a giant stuffed pineapple!

Was a great night of fun & friendship.

Submitted by Taliyah

Our Bethel has a mystery trip at the end of every term to celebrate the past six months. As the Honoured Queen, it was my job to organise a surprise fun day for the girls. As our term had been interrupted by covid many times, I thought it was a good idea to have the girls come to my house for a fun and relaxed day & just spend time together in person. We had a barbecue for lunch, scavenger hunt, we played pie face, jelly twister, water slide (as it was such a hot day!) and more. It was a great day and was good to spend quality time together.

Submitted by Lucy


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