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Spending August with Chermside

Writer: Job's DaughersJob's Daughers

August 2021

What an amazing month August was! It kicked off with the Job’s Daughter International Conference (Supreme Session), which was held in Hampton, Virginia USA. Unfortunately because of COVID travel restrictions, we couldn’t travel in person, however we were able to participate virtually which is the very first time this has happened!

This meant we were able to be involved in the Supreme Bethel Meeting and witness all the various ceremonies. To top it off, we were able to watch the Miss International Job’s Daughter Pageant, which because of the virtual registration opportunity, had over 45 representatives!! We were so very excited and proud when Contestant #22, Queensland’s own representative Bethany, won Miss International. Congratulations Bethany! You so deserve this honour and we can’t wait to see where it takes you.

Sadly because of COVID restrictions, our Northern Brisbane Bethel were unable to have visitors to their Installation, however it did go ahead and we were so pleased to hear that it went well. A big CONGRATULATIONS to Olivia H who was installed as Honoured Queen by her big sister, and Officers. We wish you a successful term.

On 14th August, Bethel #24 Moreton Bay held a Spaghetti and Bingo night. This was so much fun! We started off with a big plate of spaghetti with garlic bread before getting down to many fun games of BINGO. There were heaps of prizes, of which we managed to win a few! Thank you to Kym D and all the members of Bethel #24 who contributed to the success of this fundraiser! So good!

On 20th August we held our Jurisdictional Visit and it was such a wonderful night! We invited past and present members of Job’s Daughters to come along and take part in the Obligation Ceremony, which resulted in us having thirty past and present members together.After the meeting, we did rock painting. This was so much fun, and really demonstrated the girls’ creative side.The plan is to place these pretty rocks out in the community for others to find and spread some joy.

It was also another opportunity for people to donate to our Bravery Box Toy Drive, which is our philanthropic project for the term. We are really starting to gather such a great collection of toys! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated. If you would still like to donate, there will be other opportunities, or just reach out to one of our adult leaders.

A few months back, our Chermside Bethel had a zoom catch up with our Canadian sisters in a town in British Columbia called “Prince George”. We each did a PowerPoint presentation about our cities, states and countries, Job’s Daughters history and what we do in Job’s daughters for social activities, promotion, and fund raising. It was so much fun as each country finds the other one fascinating! This followed with a Kahoot trivia quiz about Australia and Canada general knowledge. Lots of fun!

But the point of this blog though, is that during August, we received a big box in the post from Prince George Bethel and the girls opened it after our Jurisdictional Visit. It was full of Canadian souvenirs, “candy”, maple biscuits and more. We’re now in the process of reciprocating! Did you know that they don’t have chicken salt over there? Good timing that Chicken in a Biscuit have made a come back!!!

Submitted by the Daughters of Bethel # 2 Chermside


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